Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Connie Podesta |
Birthday / Age / Date of Birth / How old is Connie Podesta | November 3, 1947. As of 2024, she is around 77 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Spouse / Partner | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Where is Connie Podesta now? | Connie Podesta is an expert in the psychology of human behavior and sales strategies, who has helped millions of people improve their sales performance. |
Introduction :
- Connie Podesta is a psychology of human behavior expert, public speaker, and entrepreneur from Dallas, Texas.
- Smart, confident and outspoken, she has been in the industry for over 2 decades and is known as one of the best public speakers in the country.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Growing up, Connie was always a bit of a comedian and she enjoyed doing standup for friends and family.
- She has been married to her husband for well over 2 decades and together, they have 2 daughters.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Connie attended the Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech and Communications.
- She also has a Master’s degree in Human Relations and Counselling.
Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :
- Connie’s career began in 1990 when she became a Keynote Speaker for a project called Life Would Be Easy, If It Weren’t For Other People.
- In the same year, she also became the keynote speaker for 4 more projects titled Leadership Like You’ve Never Heard It, Stand Out From The Crowd and Blow Away, How to Get People on Board, and Sales Like You’ve Never Heard It Before.
- Connie is still currently working on all of those projects as a keynote speaker in addition to being the Owner, CEO, Founder, and President of her own brand, Connie Podesta.
- In 2015, she briefly co-founded and supported the Kick Butt With Class Speaker Extravaganza but that gig only lasted 1 month.
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- Connie has written 5 published books including 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd, Texting Harry and Selling to Women/Selling to Men, etc.