Adam Tobias, a father of six, was fatally shot in Texas at his daughter Destiny’s high school graduation party on May 26, 2023. The suspect has been identified as 24-year-old Philip Arning, who was reportedly the boyfriend of Adam Tobias’s ex-partner. It was revealed that the party was at the ex-partner’s house, and Aning wasn’t happy about Tobias being there.
An altercation ensued between the two, which soon turned deadly when the boyfriend shot Adam, leading to his death. According to Destiny, who is reportedly Adam's ex-partner's daughter, Arning was not supposed to be present at the house that day.
The suspect was arrested and then freed on a bond of $50,000. His first court appearance has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 2023. A GoFundMe page has been launched by the Texas dad’s niece Griscelda Saucedo, to meet Adam's funeral expenses.
A GoFundMe fundraiser has been launched by Adam’s family to meet his funeral expenses. It aimed at raising $5,000 and has already raised over $8,200 in four days from more than 120 contributors.
Police confirmed that the Texas dad died of gunshot wounds
The tragic incident took place on May 26, 2023, at around 4 am local time in Texas, when 35-year-old Adam Tobias was enjoying his daughter’s graduation party. The same has been confirmed by the Houston Police Department as well. The suspect was identified as Destiny’s biological mum’s boyfriend Philip Arning. According to Destiny:
“But [Arning] shouldn’t have even been at the house. He wasn’t supposed to be at my house, and now he’s walking free, and my dad’s gone forever. And he’s walking like nothing ever happened.”Destiny also mentioned that the shooting wasn’t expected and that Adam did not see it coming, and had no arms on him. Neftaly Perez, Adam’s grief-stricken wife, stated that Destiny is traumatized by the horrific incident when she had to hold the lifeless body of her father in her arms. Perez, who had been married to Adam for 16 years, continued:
‘I’m sure she’s never going to get that out of her head.”It was confirmed that the other five sons of Adam Tobias weren’t present at the house when the fatal shooting took place. Perez further described her husband as her best friend and said:
“I’m not going to be able to see my best friend, my only friend. I’m not going to hear his voice. I’m not going to get his kisses. He was always there for his kids. No matter what.”Perez further spoke about Arning, and said:
“I hope it eats you alive what you've done, what you've taken from us. From our family.”According to the Houston Police Department:
“[P]atrol officers responded to a shooting call at the residence at the above address and found the victim unresponsive, suffering from gunshot wounds.”Destiny mentioned that her father was extremely proud of her, as she achieved something that he reportedly could never do in his life.
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